Liam and Sam (6 and 8) have been feuding over the Lego bin like mini WWE contenders since breakfast. Grace cut her sister’s Barbie’s hair, and blood curdling screams are ringing. (Rage-eyes look extra creepy on four-year-old faces, but here we are.) Max has been...
Winter Viruses, we need to talk
Dear Winter Viruses, On behalf of mothers everywhere, I would officially like to say, thank u, next. It’s been real. . . Real obnoxious. Just when we thought we were over you, one trip to the Chick-fil-A play place; one sneeze from the cute kid behind us...
What to Expect – When You Didn’t Expect to be Expecting
Half of all pregnancies are unplanned, according to CNN. But I’ll bet you fifty bucks that many respondents in the “planned” half are big fat liars. Actually, I’ll see my fifty and raise myself another fifty. (Hm. That’s not how betting works, is it? Whatever, just go...
What it’s like to have four kids
I've grown in several areas over these past six and a half years: 1.) Physically: I've gained and lost a total of 140lbs. Thirty-five-ish per pregnancy, give or take, as some pregnancies required more chocolate/nachos than others. 2.) Vanity: I ditched any remaining...
Want to Digitally Detox Your Kids, but don't know where to start?