It’s time to flip the switch and get your kids back.

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Want to Digitally Detox Your Kids, but don't know where to start?

I’m so glad you found me.

A LOT of people call me mom.

I spaced my kids so close together that the hospital’s labor and delivery department gave me a punch card for a free sandwich. 

Then we also added several darlings via foster care—some for a day, some forever. We’ve parented lots of kids from all backgrounds. We’ve navigated kids through therapy, broken limbs, recovering from abuse. We’ve housed kids between juvenile hall stays. We’ve overseen autism therapy and high-honors students.

Once, I plucked a wily toddler from the alligator pit at the zoo. Not joking.

Daily life around here is equal parts chaos and beauty. But if we don’t slow down and fix our eyes on the unseen, we will be overwhelmed by the chaos, and miss the beauty.

Maybe you can relate?

Our only hope is to take a moment to set our gaze on that long-game, big picture view.

From our 30,000 foot view of parenting, we can see our goals, our end-game. But here on the ground, the view is easily obscured by the urgent and the ridiculous. 

At dinner recently, one child created his own one-man-band while a few others argued about seating borders. Another practiced a dance move. Another one tearfully processed a breakthrough in her faith. That meal was parenting in a nutshell. Kind of like a circus, but less organized.

The roadblocks are part of the process,
and they’ve already been accounted for by the One who put you in charge
of the beautiful kids you’ve been called to shepherd. 

Here you will find laughter and encouragement through those roadblocks, and an arrow to point you back home.

To anchor your heart and hope with a deeper love for your precious ones, and for the God who made them. 

As if parenthood didn’t bring enough stress on its own, moms and dads in 2021 are wading through entirely new challenges that didn’t exist for any previous generation: we are drowning in digital entertainment.  

We are drowning in digital distractions up to our eyeballs. And if we don’t take a moment to clarify the role we want tech to play in our homes, it will continue to seep in and monopolize. It will steal the moments, days and years meant for connecting with, training and forming our kids’ hearts and worldviews. 

The quiet lulls, connective meals, and mellow drive times that filled our own childhoods are long gone. They’ve been displaced by digital entertainment. Parents are having fewer conversations with their kids, whose beautiful saucer-eyes now staring at tablets instead of their loving caregiver.

A two-week tech break provides that window of clarity. And making that simple decision will change everything. 

I know because I shrugged off the nudges for years before I finally said “no more.” And as soon as we detoxed our own kids, everything changed. Since then, I’ve coached several families through their own digital detox journeys. Every single one witnessed transformation. Every single family’s results exceeded their expectations. 

“Molly. I have new kids.”

– Bri, mother of four, after her family’s digital detox

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boundaries for your family

I am constantly looking for ways to support my family in my goal to keep a healthy relationship with technology. While I find new things that really work, I create easy to use downloadable resources for any family to use!

Musings with Molly

Raising Kids Who Aren’t Entitled: 3 Practical Ideas

Raising Kids Who Aren’t Entitled: 3 Practical Ideas

I didn’t mean to get my hand stuck in the coffee pot.   It was technically more a carafe than a pot, and I’d just thrown out my scrubber stick. I was trying to clean it with a regular sponge. That tiny opening at the top of the carafe refused to release my hand....

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